Monday 1 November 2010

How Smart Are Your Keywords?

Last week we covered the importance of keyword grouping for more efficient, organized keyword research. We're getting closer to optimized search campaigns! What's next?

Step 3: Build a smart keyword infrastructure.

A segmented list is smarter than a disorganized mess of keywords. Even smarter than that is a flexible, dynamic keyword structure that makes it easy to expand and improve on your list. This means taking your keyword list and transforming it into a keyword database.

A keyword database has a number of advantages over a keyword list:

• It's private and proprietary, unlike lists generated by third-party tools.
• It's easier to organize and manage than a static spreadsheet, supporting smart relationships among data sets.
• It's easier to update, encouraging expansion over time so your campaigns can grow.
• It's actionable, so you don't just analyze your keywords, you take steps to get better results.
• It's collaborative, so multiple members of your team can work simultaneously toward common goals.

We offer three great tools to help you create such an infrastructure:
  1. Our keyword management white paper (as mentioned in the first email in this series) provides you with 10 effective steps for building a better keyword list.
  2. If you're trying to create a strong keyword foundation for paid search marketing, you'll want to look at WordStream Keyword Management for PPC.
  3. If you're interested in getting better SEO results, you can take WordStream Keyword Management for SEO for a spin for free.
Once you have a strong keyword infrastructure in place, you need to start monitoring your campaigns performance. Next week we'll talk about tracking your search marketing success to the keyword level, and how it can help your bottom line.
Until next week,

Larry Kim, Founder & VP of Product Development

P.S. We have a team of dedicated search professionals at WordStream, and we'd love to show our product and talk to you about how we can help your business, so feel free to shoot me a note if you're interested.
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Boston, MA, 02115
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